Presented by the self-taught artist Jenny K, founder of Sprink Calligraphy Art and Design Studio
Empower everyone to create. Let’s SPRead the INK!
If you have:
always wanted to paint but found it too difficult…
felt a creative urge inside of you but don’t know how to express it…
ever thought you’re ‘not talented’ enough to draw and paint or create anything artistically beautiful…
This class will show you how it is POSSIBLE to create a beautiful picture in ONE CLASS.
In theNo Fear Watercolour classes, I show you how it is 100% possible for you to start painting right away. As a teacher of 10+ years experience, my expertise is breaking down the most difficult concepts and finding ways to deliver them to my students in the simplest form possible.
This is the one art class you’ll never regret joining :)
Here are the exact things you’ll be learning in the 2-hour class:
learn how to mix colours
one principle, many carnations: front view, side view and bud of a carnation
how to control water for special effects
drawing carnation leaves with easy pen strokes
Design #1: combining all of the above techniques
Basic design concepts: symmetry and asymmetry
Design #2: how to arrange complex patterns with easy components
Creative time with personal feedback
The exact art supplies you’ll be getting:
Pocket watercolour palette x 1*
Watercolour paper for practice (large) x 1
Watercolour paper for your work 32k x 3
Watercolour pens x 1 set
Exclusive discount code for theDesk members. Please refer to Slack message.
**Calligraphy is not included in this class. Please subscribe to our mailing list for calligraphy class updates :)
延續 Sprink Calligraphy 西洋書法班系列的教學宗旨:
Sprink Calligraphy的「一次學會」系列,
這次 2 小時的母親節康乃馨課程,同學們將會學到:
- 如何調出溫柔粉色系
-3分鐘畫出康乃馨: 正面、側面、花苞畫法
-康乃馨組合一的變化: 百搭邊框
-花朵排列和繪畫方法: 一次學會畫康乃馨花束
- 迷你調色盤及水彩套裝 x 1
- 水彩紙 x 5
- 水彩水筆一套
*報名網上班的同學將會於報名後一個星期內收到全套水彩課程,到時將有網上收看課程的連結,並可成為 Facebook 書法組會員
**是次課程不包括書法元素,如有興趣報名書法班,請聯絡 sprink.hk@gmail.com 查詢